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In the Press
#stayhome nie dla wszystkich. Uchodźcy nie mają warunków do kwarantanny
By Agnieszka Żądło | | 17 March 2020 | In Polish
Migrácia do Európy dnes: Záchranná loď čaká na brehu, ľudia sa topia v mori
By Sára Činčurová | | 17 May 2020 | In Slovak
Marsz Wstydu. Chcą zrehumanizować Europę
By Bartosz Rumieńczyk | Wiadomosci | 5 March 2020 | In Polish
Contact & Press
The Walk of Shame is initiated by European activists connected to We Gaan Ze Halen and Civil March for Aleppo.
They have organised several international demonstrations the last years and decided to join forces, together with newcomers who have been through it all.
If you want to get in touch with us, write to