Published by Sabine Wassenberg
July 5, 2021 10:49 am
I was moving some pots and the worms hiding underneath it, into the flowerpot, in my garden. When I saw a lone worm left behind, I felt sorry for it, since it might never find his family members who just moved to the pot. I actually felt empathy for a worm. And then it hit me....
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Published by Sabine Wassenberg
June 26, 2021 1:06 pm
Our Walkers, the people who did the second Walk of Shame, did not aspire to be heroes. The inspired decision to ‘go on the Walk’ is more nuanced. They did not fall into the trap of ‘trying to be with them at their level’ because our Walkers understand the reality of people on the move...
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Published by Walk of Shame EU
March 15, 2021 6:03 pm
A text by Sabine Wassenberg M., his friend and his little brother just returned to the city after being pushed back. Their shoes and clothes are worn, and so probably are their dreams. They carry no papers, they tell us. It makes me wonder: when the world doesn’t have any record of you, does it...
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Published by Walk of Shame EU
June 8, 2020 10:27 pm
Concept paper – Artist to artist collaboration / Art(ist)s on the Move Based on ideas of Oene van Geel and the Art of Shame team. Art of Shame (AoS) is about connection and about being present with ‘people on the move’, in particular persons who are stuck in refugee camps and along the European borders. ...
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Published by Walk of Shame
April 9, 2020 9:36 am
We are facing concrete walls, both Europeans and people stuck in refugee camps. We haven’t been able to uphold humanitarian values. Let it be known. Let’s make this wall meaningful. Let’s talk of shame. Conversations are the remedy, connection is the solution.